What is a normal etsy conversion rate?

Etsy Conversion Rates

Etsy Conversion Rates

The average conversion rate for online stores, including Etsy stores, is around 2.61%. When it comes exclusively to the US market, the average conversion rate is 2 to 3%. As a general rule, a good Etsy conversion rate is expected to be between 1 and 3%. This number may vary depending on the type of store or product, but a conversion rate of 1 to 3 sales per 100 customers who visit the store is normal on Etsy. Anything above 3% is considered "high", even though most sellers seem like a low number. A conversion rate of between 1.5 and 3% is considered average. If your conversion rate falls below 1%, it may be time to try something different.

Calculating Conversion Rate

Etsy's conversion rate can refer to the ratio between your store's total sales and store views, or the ratio between the sales of an individual ad and the views of the ad. To calculate the conversion rate for your listings, you can divide the number of sales by the number of visitors to your store. This will give you a percentage that represents the conversion rate for your store or individual listing. You can use this information to determine which products are performing well and which may need more attention.

Factors That Affect Conversion Rate

There are several factors that can affect your conversion rate on Etsy. These include the type of products you sell, the quality of your listings, the price of your products, and the competition in your niche. It's important to regularly review and analyze your conversion rate to identify areas for improvement and take steps to optimize your listings and store for better performance.

Improving Conversion Rate

If you want to improve your conversion rate on Etsy, there are several steps you can take. These include optimizing your listings with high-quality images and compelling product descriptions, offering competitive pricing, and promoting your store and products through social media and other marketing channels. You can also consider using an Etsy listing optimization tool to help you with the process.

Example Conversion Rates

As a reference, some sellers have reported conversion rates of 10% or more for a given month in the Facebook group. However, it's important to note that conversion rates can vary widely depending on the type of products being sold and the competition in the seller's niche. It's always a good idea to review and analyze your own conversion rate to identify areas for improvement.


"The conversion rate on Etsy can vary widely depending on a number of factors", according to Robert Portillo at Conversion Rate Optimization Consultant. This includes the type of products being sold, the quality of the listings, the price of the products, and the competition in the seller's niche. It's important to regularly review and analyze your conversion rate to identify areas for improvement and take steps to optimize your listings and store for better performance. By doing so, you can increase your revenue and improve the overall success of your Etsy store.


What is a good conversion rate on Etsy?

A good conversion rate on Etsy is generally considered to be between 1 and 3%. This number may vary depending on the type of store or product, but a conversion rate in this range is considered normal. Anything above 3% is considered "high", although it's important to note that conversion rates can vary widely depending on the specific products and niche. It's always a good idea to review and analyze your own conversion rate to identify areas for improvement and take steps to optimize your listings and store for better performance.

How do I calculate my conversion rate on Etsy?

To calculate your conversion rate on Etsy, divide the number of sales you've made by the number of visitors to your store. This will give you a percentage that represents your conversion rate. You can also calculate the conversion rate for individual listings by dividing the number of sales for that listing by the number of views it has received. This can help you identify which products are performing well and which may need more attention.

What factors can affect my conversion rate on Etsy?

There are several factors that can affect your conversion rate on Etsy. These include the type of products you sell, the quality of your listings, the price of your products, and the competition in your niche. It's important to regularly review and analyze your conversion rate to identify areas for improvement and take steps to optimize your listings and store for better performance.

How can I improve my conversion rate on Etsy?

There are several steps you can take to improve your conversion rate on Etsy. These include optimizing your listings with high-quality images and compelling product descriptions, offering competitive pricing, and promoting your store and products through social media and other marketing channels. You can also consider using an Etsy listing optimization tool to help you with the process.

Are conversion rates the same for all types of products on Etsy?

Conversion rates can vary widely depending on the type of products being sold and the competition in the seller's niche. Some niches, such as jewelry and clothing, may have a wider range of conversion rates among sellers. It's always a good idea to review and analyze your own conversion rate to identify areas for improvement and take steps to optimize your listings and store for better performance.

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