How to Increase Your Conversion Rate and Maximize Your ROI

The conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who complete the desired action compared to the total number of people who could have converted. It is an indication of the success of your marketing strategy and improving it will have a positive impact on your top line. To maximize your return on investment, you need to continuously optimize your website to improve conversions. The more visual inputs and action options your visitors have to process, the less likely they are to make a conversion decision.

Minimizing distractions, such as unnecessary product options, links, and strange information, will increase the conversion rate. Also, try to remove restrictions on online forms where you collect payment information. Did you know that 40% of people abandon sites that take more than 3 seconds to load? Specifically on mobile devices, a one-second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. People have a much shorter attention span today than they did just 10 years ago.

Etsy conducted a user experience experiment in which they added 160 kb hidden images to intentionally slow down some of their mobile pages and saw a 12 percent increase in bounce rates. The data also shows that 25 percent of websites in an industry convert at 5.31 percent or more. If you want to be in the top 10 percent of your niche, aim for a conversion rate of 11.45 percent or higher. Conversion rates higher than three percent are generally considered good. However, 10 percent of the industry's top sites have conversion rates greater than 10 percent. To truly understand your customers and how best to serve them, you need to closely track your conversion rate and identify areas where improvements can be made.

CityCliq improved its conversions by creating a clear header that tells the user what they'll get. The first step to improving your conversion rate is using a CRO planner. With that said, keep in mind that some of them are likely to generate better results for your business than others. Define your objectives, collect data and carry out objective tests on an ongoing basis to find out what best suits your target audience. If you're seeing 50, 100, or even 200 conversions throughout the entire test, small changes may seem more impactful than they actually are. With a CRO planner, you'll be able to analyze and develop a strategy to increase your conversion rate. We've made it easy to track Google Ads conversions so you can improve your campaigns and maximize your ROI.

Demand for more data-based decisions is growing. You should also calculate your conversion rate and analyze why visitors aren't converting on your site. See how my agency can generate massive amounts of traffic to your website. The tactics mentioned above are a good starting point for strategically improving your conversion rates. Yes, you should continuously perform these optimizations and you're likely to see small single-digit increases in your conversion rate, but that's not likely to lead you to the conversion group of 10% or more. According to a test conducted by Marketo, their conversion rate with a longer 9-field form was 10 percent. You should aim for 10%, 20%, or even higher, putting your conversion rates 3 to 5 times higher than the average conversion rate.